Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Little Pony Who Could

About two and a half or three years ago, a family from my old Dressage Barn moved their pony to the barn I was at then (and back at now). They didn't think the barn was the right fit, and the trainer wasn't a good match with the pony. Prince Polo Pony is a very small (either 10hh or 12hh, I can't keep it straight) white, light boned pony. We don't know his exact breeding but Jessi and I decided today that he's mostly unicorn, with a little Connemara mixed in. Seriously, he's not just a cute little pony. Take a look!
Prince Polo and me by a jump I set up for him today.
Don't worry, more pictures later!

When Polo and I first met, he was a pretty big chicken... He had some bad experiences and had gone from being a sassy little jumper, to lacking all confidence. I tried to trot over ground poles the first day, and he made it quite clear that was not an option. He was very spooky, and hadn't cantered under saddle for quite some time. So, we took it slow and steady. Started at the basics and worked our way up. Made some mistakes, and learned a lot. We now jump barrels, skinnies, and canter around like nobody's business. One of my favorite horses just because he's taught me so much and I've seen him come so amazingly far.

(Photo Credit: Jessi Dery)

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