Wednesday, February 22, 2012

About The Horses- Part 1

Here are the first couple of horses I ride (by ride I obviously mean "chase around excessively large pastures with a halter"). These guys live at my friend's house- it's a little barn, and they just have three horses there right now, in addition to the chickens and Scraggles the cat.
(Scraggles isn't its real name. It's Bailey.)

Age: ?? Good question- mid to late teens.
Breed: Another good question...
Enjoys: Long strolls in the snow - note the word stroll.
New riders that don't boss him at all!

I love that I can go out by myself and just hack around the pasture and down the road with Sterling! He's a solid citizen. He's no supermodel, but he'll trek around like a star!
He is obviously thrilled. You can tell because... he just is. Also, I do not normally ride in these sorts of saddles. More on that later.

Age: 7 or so
Breed: Arab
Enjoys: Being sassy, and getting groomed.

Lady Jane
She just sits around and looks nice. She had some pretty bad lameness issues, so her owners just let her enjoy hanging out with everyone else.

So that's Barn #1! I don't make it out there all that often, there isn't an indoor, and I'm a total wimp!

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