Thursday, March 8, 2012

Stop Doing Circles! And other exciting things

Back at school- wrapping up the week before Spring break! Finished my midterms for the week on Wednesday, and then headed out to the equine center at the University to ride for a bit- while the equine center is primarily a veterinary hospital, they do keep a few horses for the animal science, vet students, and other miscellaneous purposes. So I'll go out when I have time and lesson with the trainer out there once in a while, or just ride "P". P is a gelding, and he's not green in the sense that he's been under saddle for quite a while, but he is pretty green in the connection, and he really struggles with that. Plus, he's pretty smart, and knows which way the door is, so he can not only try to head to that end of the arena, but he tricks me into tensing against him. Funny story guys- I'm not physically stronger than a horse.
Anyways, I went out Wednesday and rode with the trainer and another lady who organizes things out there, and they're trotting around on their mares with pretty frames, while P and I are in some sort of trot-halt-neck-twisting limbo... well that's awkward. So P and I are trying to get into  some work, and I keep getting stuck on a 20 meter circle, trying to get it "good enough" so I can move on to something else. Oh lordy, getting a little over focused.
By this time, the trainer had basically finished her ride and was watching me, and told me to go down the long side, and try for a medium trot, then on the next long side, do a ten meter circle halfway down. Basically, she wanted me to GET OFF OF THE CIRCLE and actually DO something. I get so focused on making a perfect circle with a perfect horse, that I get tense and it ends up being counter-productive. Oopsies.
So, new goal, along with going forward more- get away from circles! I really like circles. Like, all of the time. Seriously, whenever I feel insecure while I'm riding, I do a circle to figure out what's going on. Which isn't all bad, but sometimes you just have to ride in a straight line... Or so they tell me.
Just Bold being cute... breaking up a long blog

In Other News
I got a couple of exciting emails this week-
1. I was accepted to a missions trip to Nicaragua this summer. I'm going with my mom and brother, and a group from my church. The actual mission is through ORPHANetwork, and we're working with an orphanage there for a week at the beginning of August! Super exciting, and I'm looking forward to going. I'll be setting up a trip sponsorship type site, if you're interested in helping me out that way- Otherwise just praying and hoping that everything works out for me is appreciated SO MUCH :)
This will be my second mission trip like this- the last time I went down to Reynosa Mexico, where we were partnered with a church.
2. I've been working on getting an internship for the summer, and I started emailing everyone I could find emails for at a racetrack/casino, and got some directions on who to contact, and found someone who was SUPER helpful, and forwarded my email and followed up with me. Just really helped me out and made sure I got to the right people. Anyways, she ended up giving me some veterinarians' contact information, and once I emailed them, I found a practice that seemed genuinely excited for me to follow them around this summer!! So I've got my internship for this year, and even made sure it would work to get credits. Yay!

ALSO  if there is anything in particular I should go into more detail about, or anything that isn't super clear, or you just feel like commenting- please comment! :)
Now it's time for me to bag up my dirty clothes and get ready for spring break!!

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